Finished Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Monday, October 5, 2009

Applying Todorov to Martin Campbell's VERTICAL LIMIT

1. In Vertical Limit there is a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist we first see is Peter Garrett (Chris O'Donnell). This is the case as he already has saved his little sister Annie Garrett (Robin Tunney) by the time the opening sequence is over. And we can see that he has the ability to save a life and change how the story continues. However the immediate opposing agent is highlighted as Annie Garrett who opposes her brother Peter's decision to save her life but kill her father.

2. The state of equilibrium that we can see at the start of the film is the happy relationship between brother and sister. They seem to be close friends and have similar personalities. As an audience we can clearly see that this is the major state of equilibrium.
3/4. The broken state of equilibrium is already evident at the end of the opening sequence. We can see that the opposing agent is unhappy with the protagonist of the film. This state of un-rest increases through the film, alloing us to guess at the hero's journey being to save his sister and make their rellationship stable again.
5. From my knowledge of the film, the equilibrium will be restoreed by the protagonist, when he rescues the opposing agent from a near death situation and risks his own life to do so. She will eventually see that to save multiple lives sometimes you may have to sacrifice one, which is the reason she had a feud with him in the first place.